Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Rough night!

Last night was a first for Matt and I. We have never had a baby cry through the night like Foster did last night. He cried from midnight to about 4:30am. Nothing seemed to make him happy. Matt finally took him on a car ride. Seems like he may be having acid reflux issues. Called the pediatrician today and to my delight and surprise, they called in a prescription of zantac to see if that helps anything without me having to come to Gainesville. Hopefully this will give Foster relief and me some sleep tonight. Matt will be staying in Gainesville, so wish me luck!

1 comment:

Saved by grace said...

I have been there with both kids! Eden still suffers from reflux but isn't bothered by it at all any more. Cooper needs to get on some medicine and I am hoping that it will help because a sad, hurting baby is never a good thing.